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Thank You!

28 October, 2007
Dear friends,

During the recent fires in San Diego, the local Assamese families have received many phone calls and emails from their concerned friends from all parts of the country.

We are happy to inform everyone that none of the Assamese families have been directly affected. Most of us were evacuated from our homes for several days, but no one lost their home. The fires gutted over 1,500 homes and 7 lives were lost in these fires. However, the morale of the people of San Diego remains high and we are bouncing back rapidly.

We would like to thank you all for your concerns and deeply appreciate your phone calls and messages.


Arup Barua
Bhaskar & Kaju Borthakur
Arindam & Rita Kataky
Kaushik & Rashmi Kalita
Bimal & Ruli Deka
Rabin & Kalpana Sarma
Panna & Loni Hazarika