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Peace Talks – GOI – ULFA: What Next?

After the third round of the peace talks between the Government of India and ULFA-appointed PCG, it seems there is still demand of independent Assam by some ideologues of the PCG. Further, there is demand that some ULFA leaders/militants be released from Indian jails. There seems to be little or no discussion about what ULFA wants in the name of development of Assam – an alternative plan if independence is not granted. Release of ULFA prisoners: Why? First lets ask the question that why anyone is put in jail. I would say for two reasons. First, obviously that the person in question can do no further harm to the well-being of the society. Second, that person be reformed while in jail. I would say the jail terms are defined according to the time it would take a person to get reformed while in jail. Many whose case is hopeless are given life in prison without parole.

Only when someone is reformed and unlikely to cause any more trouble to the society is that when s/ he should be released from prison. Do the jailed ULFA leaders show signs they will behave if and when they get out? Do they promise not to indulge in violent activities against anyone? Do they promise NOT to run across the border and indulge in anti-India activities? Do they promise to help build a developed Assam state through constructive activities through active participation in the democratic process and community involvement?

Development Many PCG members (and thus ULFA) hold that control of oil is the key to Assam’s development and Indian government is stopping Assam’s development merely because it controls oil found in Assam. Do such PCG members have any vision how else Assam’s economy could progress – by looking at other Indian states which lack any mineral resources : such as Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu etc.

When other nations (including US, China, France) are now sending their youth and business persons to train in India’s booming hi-tech business districts –why not Assam’s government do likewise? Can ULFA/PCG help become the catalyst for community mobilization –or do they want to keep pouting and promoting violence which does no region any benefit?

Do Indian babus and politicians have any plan how to relaunch Assam as a showcase for India’s development –in the event ULFA etc., stop violence in the region. Can they see beyond Bihar and UP –to look across the chicken-neck into the NE region? Can they overcome their lethargy and deep-rooted biases –and envision a region which can grow into India’s Shanghai (and not like the 1960s Vietnam it resembles now?