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Welcome to Posoowa Magazine!

This is the Web site for Posoowa, the Non-Resident Assamese (NRA) Magazine.

Posoowa publishes articles on achievements of Non-Resident Assamese from around the world. To the publishers of Assam, NRA means any Assamese living outside the borders of the State of Assam. We also publish opinion pieces and creative writings, including translations of Assamese poems and short stories. From time to time, we publish articles on and by individuals in Assam, articles that the Editors feel are relevant to the NRA community.

To submit your contribution to Posoowa, please email it to one of the Editors. Your submission must be in text form, either in English or Assamese. For Assamese, you must use a Unicode-based font.


Dr. Jugal Kalita, Editor-in-Chief, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Email:
Dr. Ganesh Bora, Associate Editor, Fargo, North Dakota, USA. Email: