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December 2003

A Tribute to Late Dr Bhabendra Nath Saikia

Several months after he passed away, we are still in
mourning for Dr Bhabendra Nath Saikia, a giant of
Assamese literature and culture. His death was
untimely and premature. It created a shock in the
literary circles in Assam. The renowned literary
Assamese magazine "Gorioxi' has dedicated the November
2003 issue in memory of Dr Saikia. Many people have
written at length about Dr Saikia's contribution to
Assamese society. As a personal tribute to this him, I
would like to reproduce an updated version of an

Guest Editorial: Assam's Dwindling Economic Condition

Assam is one of the most resourceful states of India.
Assam receives plenty of rainfall --- so full of water
resources. The soil is fertile. It is full of green
and there are a large number of rivers including the
mighty Brahmaputra.  She has abundant forest resources
and she has the petroleum reserves, which she can
boast of. Assam is one of the largest producers of tea
in the world. Then why is Assam suffering from a
pitiable economic condition?
